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Avoid 5 Vaping Mistakes - Beginners Guide

e liquid Australia e-liquids vaping kits vapor shop Australia

From leaking tanks to burnt coils, wrong choice of flavours, and e-liquids splitting all over, trying vaping for the first time can be a tad bit tricky.

Well, having said that, there’s certainly nothing that should put you off.

Over the past decade, vaping kits have increasingly become smarter. More so to facilitate beginners adapting to their newfound liking without trying too hard. 

This post serves as a guide to steer you clear from 5 such common mistakes that beginner vapers make. 

Let’s get started. 

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Not knowing how to fill the tank 

Hands down, vape tanks are downright easy to fill. Still, some newbies end up making a mess out of it. 

The key point to remember in this case is that when filling a vape tank, never ever get the e-liquid to reach the center of the tube within the tank. These days, come-of- age vaping devices use a top-fill method,  and usually carry a hole on the sides that allows one to fill the e-liquid. 

Some other models also carry a valve that makes it even easier to fill and mitigate chances of splitting e-liquids all over.

Getting your coils burnt 

One of the hard boiled truths of vaping is that you can get your coils burnt. Especially, when you are just starting out. 

The good thing is, you can still avoid it by adhering to the following tips: 

Choose to prime your coils – All you need to do is to slip down a few drops of e-liquid through the coil holes, right upto the center. Doing so will help the coil stay soaked in the vape juice before it's ready to be used for vaping.

Check the power range – Not staying within the permitted power range can burn your coils early. Hence, always refer to the guidelines that come along, and use the correct power range to ensure longevity for the coils.

Adjust device to match your vaping style – It is utmost necessary to adjust your device to match your vaping style. For instance, if you have a device with a tank that is not so resistant, chain vaping can significantly diminish the life of the coil. 

Working with wrong e-liquids

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To be able to fine tune your first time experience of vaping is an experience of a lifetime. Like all new things, it too has its fair share of rights and wrongs.

Choosing to work with the wrong e-liquid is one such fairly common mistake for all new vapers. The right approach is to gain an understanding of all main categories that’s there for e-liquids, like Menthol. Tobacco, Fruits, Beverages, Desserts  and so on.

Sure, all this can be a bit overwhelming but it's a completely fruitful exercise that will bring you close to knowing the flavours that match your taste and mood and discard the others.

Also, it will save you from spending unnecessarily on favours that you might not like in the long run.

Charging issues  

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Almost all vaping kits come with manufacturer’s documentation to follow for charging. We recommend you refer to it before you charge your vaping device for the very first time. On the flip side, always remember, never use an overpowered plug to charge your device.

For most mouth to lung kits, you are expected to charge your device using a 0.5 AMP plug, and via an USB. Overcharging your device with a greater power source (like 1 AMP plugs) will eventually lead to battery issues and in time, it will wind up dead for no good.

Airflow blocking

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In case you feel your device is not giving out enough airflow or you are not vaping as much as expected, it's time to get the air flow checked at. From time to time, dust and debris may settle inside the device through the little holes on the sides. In order to get rid of that, simply use a  paperclip and push it through the holes and let it down  on a surface.

So, now that you know of the 5 vaping mistakes that need to be avoided as a beginner, it's time to get the show started!  Vape on!

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